Strategic Approach in the Trademark Opposition Proceedings before the EUIPO in 3 Steps:

Protecting your brand is crucial for the success of your business. But what do you do when notified by the EUIPO that opposition proceedings have been initiated against your trademark? The uncertainty and potential costs can be overwhelming. In this article, we take a closer look at the trademark opposition proceedings before the EUIPO and discuss strategies to protect your brand and defend your investment.

Step 1: Embrace the Challenge

When your company is confronted with trademark opposition proceedings, it’s understandable to feel concerned. The fear of losing your brand and the worry about costs can be overwhelming. But don’t be discouraged. There are ways to strengthen your position and defend your interests. Embrace the challenge.

Step 2: Preserve the Ability to Act

It’s tempting to wait and hope that an opposition will resolve itself. However, this strategy can be very risky. Instead of waiting for the Cooling-off-period to expire, it’s advisable to consult a specialized attorney immediately.

Step 3: Early Strategy in the Trademark Opposition Proceedings

Early consultation with a specialized attorney can offer you the following:

– Analysis of Chances: A specialized and experienced attorney can provide you with a clear assessment of the legal situation and the chances, which is essential for developing a strategy. Only then can you make informed decisions and weigh potential consequences.

Proactive Defense: By engaging a specialist attorney early on, you demonstrate that you take your brand seriously and are prepared to defend it. This can deter potential opponents and strengthen your negotiating position.

– Strategy Development: Together with a specialist attorney, you can develop a tailored strategy to protect your brand to the fullest extent. This may include submitting a written response, negotiating a delimitation agreement ensuring brand peace, or other tactical measures, such as a targeted attack on the opposing trademark, which may undermine the basis for the opposition—even if it may seem justified. This way, you can turn the tables and strengthen your brand and position in the market.

– Cost Savings: If a solution is found early on, typically during the Cooling-off period, there is usually no cost decision. This can often save you money.


The trademark opposition proceedings before the EUIPO may pose a challenge, but it’s crucial to act proactively and swiftly, taking strategic steps to protect your brand and defend against existing attacks. By applying the right strategies and making informed decisions, you can strengthen your position and successfully defend your interests. Make a conscious decision to embrace the challenge. Don’t hesitate; act now to preserve your ability to act.


When it comes to protecting your brand, you should not compromise. IVANOV.LAW offers you the expertise, experience, and support you need to defend your business and successfully protect your brand. Contact a specialist attorney in IP Law today and let us together secure your trademark rights. The initial consultation is free of charge.